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About First-Year Seminars
Seminar Topics
Faculty Resources
First-Year Seminars introduce students to academic inquiry and the modes of expression that lie at the heart of a liberal arts education.
Northside Vibes
Few first-year students can claim a byline in a newspaper or magazine. Six University of Richmond students in the first-year seminar Civic Journalism and Social Justice taught by director of public affairs journalism Tom Mullen published their work in Northside Vibes.
Storytelling, Identity, Social Change
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Buckwheat and Caviar
First year students explore ideas of sustainability in the context of Russian culture in a First-Year Seminar led by professor Yvonne Howell.
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Amaury Perez, '16
Cuban immigrant Amaury Perez, ’16, works to provide better opportunities for under-served people in his new home country.
Steve Allred
When Steve Allred arrived as provost in 2008, he helped chart a new course for the UR academic experience. At the conclusion of his term, he reflects on the changes and talks about his next steps.
Junior explores ideas of religious and cultural diversity through his academics and involvement on campus.
In the First-Year Seminar Dreaming of the Prophet, students see the impact of religion in the world while learning the ins and outs of college-level scholarship.
Incoming first-year students have a myriad of options available when they consider their First-Year Seminars.
Students in community-based newswriting class learn interviewing skills while recording veteran stories for the Library of Congress’s Veterans History Project.
Each month this fall, first-year students had the opportunity to meet with local leaders so they could “get a glimpse of how power in the city operates in practice.”
Undergraduate Catalog
If you have questions about enrollment in first-year seminars, contact your academic advisor.
More specific questions about the program may be addressed to Mary Tate, FYS coordinator.

410 Westhampton Way
University of Richmond, VA 23173
(804) 289-8000
(800) 700-1662
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